Nursing - 3 years
Avicenna medical college
Xususiy texnikum
Tashkent city
Date of receipt
1 July 2024 - 1 October 2024
Muassasa litsenziyasi
It started its activity based on the state license No. 170016 of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 23, 2023.
Our duties
Providing students with active and interactive education, introducing the world's experiences in the field of advanced medicine into the educational system, and preparing students to make creative, unusual, and innovative decisions.
Modern style and technologies
Lessons in our educational institution are conducted by experienced teachers with the help of new pedagogical technologies and innovative technical tools
Interactive touch boards
Through an interactive touch board, the structure of human body parts is viewed in 3D models, and medical news is studied in the course of classNameNameNameNameNameNamees through Internet materials, which are the demands of the present time.
Medical experience since the first year
Already in the first year of technical school, students participate in practical training in prestigious clinics and hospitals, and this process is organized by qualified doctors.
Avicenna medical college
Avicenna medical college
Avicenna medical college
Avicenna medical college
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