Banking work and audit

Faculty of Economics at Tashkent State University of Economics.


Application deadline: 25 June 2024

Samarqand viloyati

About the direction

Banking and auditing

This major will provide you with the basic knowledge you will need as a financial professional. In most jobs in finance and economics, financial knowledge is the minimum you need to be considered as a candidate for a higher-paying job. is an indicator. In addition to the basic knowledge of finance, you will also acquire leadership, management and communication skills that fully meet the requirements of future employers. Finance and financial technologies is a branch of the field of knowledge "Business, management and law" related to the field of education "Business and management", which includes public finance, finance of economic entities, household finance, state budget, budget financing, financial market operations, financial risk management, finance of joint-stock companies, finance of holding companies, finance of limited liability companies, finance of joint ventures, organization of activities in the securities market, organization of mutual settlements, corporate structures, financial covers a complex set of issues related to resource management.

Exam block: Mathematics, English ​

Language of education and contract prices

Language of education
Full time
15 344 490 UZS/year