International TMC Institute
Tashkent city
The TMS International Institute in Tashkent is part of the TMS Academy in Singapore. Currently, the Institute continues its activities in 5 countries and...
Tashkent city
The TMS International Institute in Tashkent is part of the TMS Academy in Singapore. Currently, the Institute continues its activities in 5 countries and...
Tashkent city
The University of Exact and Social Sciences was established on December 28, 2022 and has license number 055982! The main goal of the university is to...
Tashkent city
The University of Digital Economy and Agrotechnologies was established on January 7, 2022 and granted a license (№325388) for the provision of non-state higher educational...
Tashkent city
Located in the green area of Tashkent, the capital city of Uzbekistan, Amity University in Tashkent is focused on research, sustainable development, international corporate...
Tashkent city
IT Park University was created in collaboration with IT Park under the Ministry of Digital Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the international IT company EPAM. IT...
Tashkent city
Software Engineering – students studying in this field gain deep knowledge in the fields of electrical engineering and informatics, which form the basis for the development of...
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