Hydrology (hydrology of rivers and water resources)

"Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers" National Research University.


Application deadline: 25 June 2024

Toshkent shahri

About the direction

Hydrology is the study of all waters in nature, i.e. oceans and seas, rivers and lakes, snow and glaciers, reservoirs, swamps and groundwater, their location, characteristics, interaction and interaction with the natural environment (atmosphere, lithosphere, biosphere). the science that studies the laws of phenomena and processes. According to the location of the studied water basins (objects), hydrology is divided into oceans and seas. Hydrology (oceanology or oceanography), the land of the city. Some scientists separate groundwater into a separate part of the city with and (hydrogeology). At the present stage of scientific development, the term hydrology is used as a synonym for land.

Full–time education - 12,627,170 soums.

The duration of full-time study is 4 years.

The form of external training is 12,627,170 soums.

The duration of the internship is 5 years.

Language of education and contract prices

Language of education
Full time
12 627 170 UZS/year
Part time
12 627 170 UZS/year