Maktabgacha ta’lim translates to "Primary education" in English.

Qo'qon university.


Application deadline: 1 June - 30 September 2025

Farg'ona viloyati

About the direction

In the field of preschool education - baccalaureate education, the training of pedagogues-educators in preschool education organizations is carried out on the basis of the program of higher education that prepares bachelors, who have fully mastered its theoretical and practical training, and successfully passed the final state certification. The student will receive a "bachelor's" degree and an official document of the state model of higher education. The specialty of preschool education prepares specialists in the development, teaching and upbringing of children of preschool age. Preparation of bachelors in the field of preschool education is carried out in the form of full-time, evening and part-time education. Training in all forms of education is organized on the basis of the credit-module system.

Exam block: Biology, Mother tongue - Literature

Language of education and contract prices

Language of education
Full time
17 141 760 UZS/year