Transport logistics (automobile transport)

Termiz Engineering and Technology Institute


Application deadline: 25 June 2024

Surxondaryo viloyati

About the direction

Logistics from an economic point of view is the organization, management and optimization of the movement of various flows from sources directly to the consumer. This science is divided into several types. One of them is transport logistics. This is the system responsible for organizing the delivery. In other words, transport logistics deals with the movement of certain material flows from point A to point B. At the same time, the optimal route is selected. The active use of this industry takes place in the 60s of the twentieth century. During this period, the rapid development of production continues. Knowledge of all points of movement of raw materials allows you to determine losses. Thus, competent transport logistics reduces the prices of goods.

Language of education and contract prices

Language of education
Full time
12 627 170 UZS/year