Tourism (by areas of activity)

Faculty of Economics at Tashkent State University of Economics.


Application deadline: 25 June 2024

Samarqand viloyati

About the direction

Tourism is one of the rapidly developing areas of business. Some countries earn a large part of their national income from tourism. They preserve their nature, historical monuments, create and develop the hospitality industry - hotels, airports and train stations, recreation centers, beaches, and also rely on the traditions and skills of welcoming guests from other countries. The direction of tourism is of great importance in planning tourism in the region, developing the technologies of practical application of tourism experiences and providing services, effective management of resources, development of the ability to respond to the needs and behavior of tourists. In this: work on the development of tourist experiences; using and providing smart platforms; collection and distribution of information within the tourist area, support for effective distribution of tourist resources; skills are developed to facilitate the integration of tourism industry suppliers at the micro and macro level to effectively distribute tourism benefits across the local community.

Exam block: History, foreign language

Language of education and contract prices

Language of education
Full time
6 412 610 UZS/year