Processing and technology of the construction structure of the light industry products (types of production)

Termiz Engineering and Technology Institute


Application deadline: 25 June 2024

Surxondaryo viloyati

About the direction

The term technology was first introduced into science in 1872 and consists of the Greek words - Technos ―art or craft and - logos ―science. Thus, it means the full meaning of the word-the science of craft. This science teaches the processes of converting raw materials into consumer goods and products on a large scale, as well as into means of production.

The technical condition of machines or equipment of light industry enterprises is assessed by numerical values of indicators of their structural structure . The physical quantities characterizing the geometric measurement of pressure , rotational speed , oscillation amplitude , noise level , temperature , voltage and power are structural indicators, i.e. structural parameters .

Language of education and contract prices

Language of education
Full time
12 627 170 UZS/year
Part time
12 627 170 UZS/year