MA in Learning and Teaching (with 3 pathways)

Вестминстерский международный университет в Ташкенте


Последний день заявки:: 19 августа 2024

Toshkent shahri

О факультете

Course description

The MA in Learning and Teaching aims to produce ambassadors and future leaders who will have the knowledge and skills to address current learning and teaching issues in Uzbekistan and in similar contexts. You will focus on deepening your understanding about learner-centered and technology-enhanced approaches to learning, teaching and assessment. You will study the fundamental pedagogical concepts and theories and these will be enhanced through a practical approach so that you are able to immediately put your learning into practice. It is expected that the course will offer you a life-changing experience as you will improve the quality of your learning and teaching capabilities through self-reflection and self-assessment. It will nourish your engagement in action-based research while promoting learner autonomy and life-long learning and developing a professional attitude towards learning and teaching. The course aims to create and empower a community of teachers and researchers, capable of contributing systematically to learning and teaching activities nationally and internationally.

How you will study

The learning and teaching process builds on your current practice that will be discussed and reflected upon to share learning across diverse domains and maximise personal development. The course draws extensively on models of critical reflection as a means of interrogating and theorising professional practice. This may take the form of learning through inquiry into individual practice, research, reflection, collaborative learning, and modelling of student experience as a “vehicle” for reflection. There will be opportunities for peer and tutor observations. Blended learning tasks will be employed to provide you with diverse learning experiences. Teaching on the course will be in the form of mentoring, coaching and facilitation through reflective practice and research projects with structured independent learning.

There will be:

  • Tutor, peer or group observations on a fortnight basis;  
  • Individual or joint hands-on tasks or inquiry projects in the classroom;
  • Micro teaching; and
  • Co-teaching.

Course structure

The MA in Learning and Teaching has three pathways:

  • MA in Learning and Teaching
  • MA in Learning and Teaching with Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages
  • MA in Learning and Teaching with English for Specific Purposes

The course structure differs according to the choice of pathway, however there are some modules that are compulsory for all students across pathways.

The course structure is validated by the University of Westminster (UK) every five years, but it may change by adapting to feedback received from a variety of sources.

Learning Community

You will become a part of a learning community of students coming from a variety of backgrounds and you will discover new things about yourself, experience a “rainbow” of emotions and get professional satisfaction.

Professional Development

You demonstrate commitment to your continuous professional development that will enable you to achieve future goals related to education. Being a student is hard work but it can also be a very enjoyable experience. Even if you have moments of frustration and exhaustion, you will also enjoy discovering your own strengths and capitalising on them.

Unique study opportunities

The Course is designed to provide opportunities for undertaking pedagogic research, certification and collaboration.

Язык обучения и договорные цены

Язык обучения
Английский язык
54 439 200 Сум/год