Pharmacy (by types)

Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute


Application deadline: 20 June - 20 July 2025

Toshkent shahri

About the direction

Pharmacy (Greek: pharmakeia - drug; use of medicine) - research, studies on the creation of drugs and medical products, as well as their production, preparation, quality control, standardization methods, state registration, storage, information about them, pharmacy and a set of scientific and practical activities that include tasks such as delivery and sale to treatment facilities. By the 18th century, F. was formed as a science. F. together with pharmacology constitutes the science of medicinal substances. F. includes pharmaceutical chemistry, types of drugs and technology of medicinal preparations, pharmacognosy, organization of F. and its economic, forensic chemistry. The effect of drugs, types of drugs, methods of their administration, manufacturing technology and other factors are studied by F.'s bioformation department.

Exam block: Chemistry, biology

Language of education: Uzbek, Russian

Full-time education: 15,344,490 soums

Language of education and contract prices

Language of education
Uzbek, Russian
Full time
15 344 490 UZS/year