Chemical technology (types of production)

"Olmaliq branch of Tashkent State Technical University"


Application deadline: 25 June 2024

Toshkent viloyati

About the direction

Chemical technology

Chemical technology is the science of economically and environmentally beneficial methods and processes of chemical processing of natural raw materials, industrial waste, as well as synthetic intermediates and their transformation into consumer goods and means of production. The task of chemical technology is to study the physico-chemical conditions of chemical technology methods and processes, to develop process diagrams, to determine the structure of devices and equipment and materials necessary for their manufacture. The main elements of any chemical technological process are raw materials, energy, devices and equipment. Chemical technology methods are used in chemical, metallurgical, construction, fuel, textile, mining, food and other industries.

Blocks of the exam in mathematics , physics .

Full-time education 12,627,170 Soums

The duration of full–time study is 4 years.

Correspondence education 12,627,170 Soums

The duration of distance learning is 5 years.

Evening form of education 12,627,170 Soums

The duration of evening training is 4 years.

Language of education and contract prices

Language of education
Uzbek, Russian
Full time
6 412 610 UZS/year
Part time
7 472 630 UZS/year
7 472 630 UZS/year