Management: health management
Application deadline: 20 June - 20 July 2025
Toshkent shahri
About the direction
Healthcare management
Healthcare management refers to the administration of healthcare systems, hospitals, healthcare networks, or the overall management and leadership of healthcare systems. This term encompasses all levels of management in international usage. In the United States, for example, the management of a single facility (such as a hospital) may be referred to as "healthcare management", "healthcare administration", or "healthcare facility management".
Tuition fee per semester: 15,344,490 UZS
Duration of study: 4 years
Language of education and contract prices
- Language of education
- Uzbek
- Full time
- 15 344 490 UZS/year
Hozirda bu oliygohning qabuli yopiq bo'lgani sababli hujjat topshiriaolmaysiz
Application deadline: 20 June - 20 July 2025