Higher education administration work

Tashkent Medical Academy Urgench branch


Application deadline: 25 June 2024

Xorazm viloyati

About the direction

A nurse is a medical worker with secondary education. H. is a doctor's assistant and works in cooperation with him in treatment and prevention institutions. H. takes care of patients, takes temperature, distributes medicine, performs treatment procedures (compress, applying mustard, etc.) and other tasks. H. works in various medical institutions (hospital, polyclinic, dispensary, sanatorium, etc.), as well as in kindergartens and kindergartens. Nursing is taught in medical colleges. Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Tashkent Medical Academy and other higher medical educational institutions have a separate faculty, where highly educated nurses are trained.

Exam block: Biology, chemistry

Language of education: Uzbek

Full-time education: 12,627,170 soums

Language of education and contract prices

Language of education
Full time
12 627 170 UZS/year