Quarantine and plant protection

Tashkent State Agriculture University


Application deadline: 25 June 2024

Toshkent shahri

About the direction

Plant protection, plant protection from pests and diseases — 1) branch of agricultural sciences; studies the damage caused to plants by pests, diseases, weeds, and develops measures to prevent and eliminate it; 2) measures developed to eliminate pests, plant diseases and weeds in agriculture and forestry system. Its function is not only to destroy harmful organisms or limit their activities, but also to pre-determine the timing of their appearance and the extent of their spread, as well as to prevent the spread of the most dangerous pests from one territory to another

Language of education and contract prices

Language of education
Uzbek, Russian
Full time
6 412 610 UZS/year
Part time
7 472 630 UZS/year