Application deadline: 1 June - 30 September 2025
Farg'ona viloyati
About the direction
Psychology is the science of mental reflection of reality, mental processes, situations, events, feelings in the process of human activity and animal behavior. The research subject of psychology includes such psychological processes and categories as sensations and images of perception, thinking and feeling, activity and behavior. The main tasks of psychology are to reveal the laws of the psyche, the formation of human mental states in the unity of phylogenetic and ontogenetic development. In finding a solution to these tasks, on the one hand, psychology is in close contact with the fields of biological science, including physiology, and on the other hand, with sociology, pedagogy, cultural history, logic, and social sciences. Psychology is primarily the study of consciousness and self-awareness, which is the human form of psyche.
Exam blocks: Biology, Mother tongue - Literature
Language of education and contract prices
- Language of education
- Uzbek
- Full time
- 17 141 760 UZS/year
- Part time
- 12 880 000 UZS/year
Hozirda bu oliygohning qabuli yopiq bo'lgani sababli hujjat topshiriaolmaysiz
Application deadline: 1 June - 30 September 2025