Economics (by sectors and fields)

Turan University


Application deadline: 30 September 2024

Qashqadaryo viloyati

About the direction

Economy (by industries and sectors)

Education in economics is a unique opportunity to major in economics and business. Our study programs provide students with the broad knowledge and skills necessary for successful careers in various sectors of the economy. Our faculty consists of experienced and highly qualified teachers who help students unlock their potential and succeed in their services. We also offer a wide range of training programs at various levels, allowing our students to gain in-depth knowledge and become experts in their field. In addition, contact is established with enterprises and organizations that allow our students to gain practical experience during training at our university. We also offer internships and exchange opportunities with students from other universities around the world, allowing our students to broaden their horizons and gain international experience.

Exam block: Mathematics, English

Language of education: Uzbek language

Duration of full-time education: 4 years.

Duration of part-time education: 5 years

Language of education and contract prices

Language of education
Full time
15 000 000 UZS/year
Part time
13 000 000 UZS/year