International relations

Turan University


Application deadline: 30 September 2024

Qashqadaryo viloyati

About the direction

International relations

The main task of the international relations department is to provide highly qualified personnel for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as other institutions, offices and organizations of our country that communicate with foreign countries, embassies in foreign countries and international organizations. The direction prepares qualified diplomats, political scientists, and qualified specialists who can protect the national interests of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the world political arena, as well as work in various aspects of international relations.

Exam block: History, Foreign language

Language of education: Uzbek language

Duration of full-time education: 4 years.

Duration of part-time education: 5 years

Language of education and contract prices

Language of education
Full time
15 000 000 UZS/year
Part time
13 000 000 UZS/year