Jurisprudence (agricultural law)

Tashkent State Agriculture University


Application deadline: 25 June 2024

Toshkent shahri

About the direction

Jurisprudence is a science that studies the peculiarities of the state and law; the totality of legal knowledge; the practical activities of lawyers and their training system.

Jurisprudence as a science originated in ancient times, so many legal (legal) terms have Greek and Latin names. Also, jurisprudence refers to several interrelated concepts:

The science of state and law, which studies the results of legal regulation and puts forward legal ideas about the possibility of progressive changes in the mechanism and methods of regulating society.

A set of knowledge about the state, management, and law, the presence of which creates the basis for professional legal practice.

Practical application of legal knowledge, activity of lawyers.vvv

Language of education and contract prices

Language of education
Full time
16 023 820 UZS/year