Zooinengineering (animal husbandry)

Tashkent State Agriculture University


Application deadline: 20 June - 20 July 2025

Toshkent shahri

About the direction

Poultry farming is the breeding of poultry; the branch of animal husbandry. The main product of poultry farming are eggs and meat used for food; a by—product is bird feather and Pari. Feed flour is produced from poultry slaughter and processing waste. Bird droppings are a valuable organic fertilizer. In poultry farming, eggs are obtained mainly from breeds and crossbreeds of egg-bearing chickens, partly meat-egg and meat-bearing. Chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese, guinea fowls, and meat pigeons are bred for meat production. The main source of poultry farming is the cultivation of broilers. The sparrowhawk's diet also includes eggs and meat.

Language of education and contract prices

Language of education
Full time
12 627 170 UZS/year