Management (health management)

University of Business and Science


Application deadline: 1 October 2024

Namangan viloyati

About the direction

Management - affects production efficiency, level of technique and technology, and quality of labor force. The content of management science is the interaction between the management system and the object of management, and its main task is to study modern methods of management, the secrets of the art of leadership. Management is the process of selection, decision-making and monitoring of its implementation. Its main goal is to train highly qualified managers who can work at all levels in the conditions of market relations.

Students for admission to the university: It is required to collect passing marks in the subjects given for the entrance exams.

Mathematics 3.1 

English 2.1 

Study duration: 

For daytime form: 4 years

Passing score: + 60%.

Language of education and contract prices

Language of education
Full time
15 640 000 UZS/year