Oil and gas chemical industry technology

Osiyo International University


Application deadline: 1 June - 30 September 2025

Buxoro viloyati

About the direction

Oil and oil-gas

Oil reprocessing, petrochemical, chemical, gas, and other related industries use heat exchange equipment as their main types of technological devices. They constitute 30-40% of all equipment (by weight).

Oil reprocessing - A collection of technological methods used in oil extraction. Before oil reprocessing, water, salt, and mechanical impurities in the oil composition are removed, then it undergoes stabilization, high-temperature distillation, removal of distillates, addition of additives, and other processes.

Students for admission to the university: It is required to collect passing marks in the subjects given for the entrance exams.

- Logic test

Study duration:

For full time : 4 years

For evening : 4.5 years

For part time : 5 years

Passing score - 60

Language of education and contract prices

Language of education
Uzbek, Russian
Full time
18 000 000 UZS/year
Part time
14 000 000 UZS/year
16 000 000 UZS/year